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Responsive Search Ads (RSA)

SEM Managers Need Help

Manuel Arrufat
Updated on_
January 11, 2024

Effective advertising has to be excellent in 2 fundamental variables: Segmentation and creativity.

If we get to impact the right people and tell them what we can do for them, our advertising efforts will pay off.

It is that simple.

Or that hard, it depends on how you look at it.

We’ve become used to being impacted by thousands of unsolicited advertisements, for which we are not the right target. And no matter how good are the products they sell, we are definitely not going to buy them.

Nunca, never. Not even for free.

A good campaign segmentation is key and Google does it right by leaving the auto-segmentation to users who type what they are looking for (i.e.: “Buy electric car”).

Once we have defined the users we want to target, we must persuade them. Be relevant. Attract them.

But there is still an additional hassle:

Our competitors are beside us, sending aggressive messages, trying to catch their attention…and their money.

And advertisers are worried.

They don’t know what to do about it.

They know they have to improve their ads and captivate better.

So they search on Google:

Related search queries on Google Search
Related search queries on Google Search

They need help. 

They don’t know how to put into words the benefits of their laundry detergent.

Or their car 's.

Neither that vacation package to Tenerife, 7 days and 6 nights, flights included. Beautiful hotel, spa and an all-included wrist band. With an ocean view.

Fortunately, technology improves. Artificial Intelligence is your partner and can do wonders for you.


You just think about how to reach your customers.

Dolnai will help you captivate them.

Dolnai will create better Google Responsive Search Ads.

Pleased to show you how.

Contact us.

Manuel Arrufat
Updated on_
January 11, 2024
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