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Do you trust Google with broad match?

Cristina Jiménez Gómez
Updated on_
October 24, 2023

Lately, Google encourages from recommendations to upgrade existing keywords to broad match. Their pretext is to get more conversions or better ROI for the same spend, since, in theory, broad match helps Smart Bidding to use signals and find additional visitors that perform well.

However, there are Risks of Betting on Broad Match. These keywords are shown to more users without the need for an exhaustive keyword list in the face of generic searches. 

Broad match is usually recommended with new accounts with low traffic, new segments or products or when you want to discover new related terms or if you have a high budget and you want to get more visibility in the top positions of the search results page.

More clicks does not always mean more conversions, broad match often attracts less qualified leads with queries, sometimes not very related to the product offered. Therefore, it is very likely that you invest a lot of money in searches without results and that the algorithm does not understand well what you offer. It is very likely that in the end the less qualified searches will end up entering through your Keywords and you will spend a fortune without obtaining conversions.

This problem becomes bigger if the keywords in broad have only one term or are very generic. In these cases it is likely to understand "buy" for "rent", "car" for "motorcycle" or "university" for "school". Although they belong to the same sector, they have totally different objectives and customer targets.

Sometimes when using broad match searches have nothing to do with the intent to buy your product or service. If users click on the displayed ad, Google will interpret that the lead is correct and the intent is real. If the keywords have few terms or are very general, it is even easier for this problem to occur.

The alternative of negating the searches is an arduous and infinite task, considering that many searches are new to Google, so you will never finish this task of negation to have the traffic fully optimized.

This does not mean that we want to tell you that in all cases broad matching is inadvisable, but that it involves risks and investing a lot of time to control traffic. 

To put an end to these problems for the SEM Manager, from Dolnai we have developed several algorithms that will help you with these tasks of negative and traffic control:

  • Cloud Words: list of unique terms included in the search term report. With the aggregated KPIs of all searches. Thanks to this algorithm you will be able to locate negatives in much less time to control your traffic by being able to see what their searches have been and the keywords that have been activated. No more wasting time reading an endless Search Terms report to add Negative KeyWords!
  • Conflict Negative KW: Control of negative words that block your keywords, thus eliminating the risk of losing interesting traffic due to an excess of negativization.
  • Cross Negative KW: Proposal of new negative words to redirect traffic to the corresponding ad group. For example, negativize the brand in a generic keyword ad group to bring it to the branded one.

Now you have the opportunity to try Dolnai tools and test all these algorithms. You will be able to see how your traffic management improves and how your CPCs and ROAS improve. 

Cristina Jiménez Gómez
Updated on_
October 24, 2023
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